每月要償還給銀行的本金都一樣,每月利息的部分則依貸款的餘額計算,所以隨著償還的本金愈來愈多,每月應繳的利息也會逐漸減少。 The vote estimate is based on so-termed fast counts of the sample of polling stations by a dozen reliable survey businesses. Widodo reported that 100% of sample p
每月要償還給銀行的本金都一樣,每月利息的部分則依貸款的餘額計算,所以隨著償還的本金愈來愈多,每月應繳的利息也會逐漸減少。 The vote estimate is based on so-termed fast counts of the sample of polling stations by a dozen reliable survey businesses. Widodo reported that 100% of sample p